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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Amazing Anara Tower - Dubai

Anara Tower is the most cool and nice architecture on the world. Located in Dubai. The 125-story skyscraper is about 700 meters tall and vies for the tallest spot. The building will also host 300 residential apartments.

What is that thing in the middle at the top of the proposed Anara tower in Dubai? In most of the renderings it looks like a wind turbine integrated into the building, but when you look closely (image below) you can see that the hub is inhabited and that it is supported by the three blades. So now architects don't even bother with the real thing, they just borrow the imagery and put fake turbine-like things on the top of their buildings because they look cool.

This Skyscrapper will be called Anara Tower, and while it's not going to be the tallest in the world (it'll be about 500 feet shorter than the Burj Dubai at 2,150 feet), it's still incredible all on its own. The defining element of the Anara Tower is the massive propeller-like structure at the very top, at the center of which will be a glass-ceiling hub containing one of the world's most luxe restaurants. Strangely, the propeller doesn't rotate. Inside the tower there will be 300 super-expensive apartments, a 250-room luxury hotel and gardens every 27 floors. It will have a total of 125 stories.

The iPhone – If Bill Gates Had Created It

It’s one of the most notorious battles ever fought. It’s a battle that has spanned decades, and it is still not settled as it’s hard to estimate what winning this “game” really means. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were the titans that were fit to star in the newly released “Clash Of The Titans” and their battle changed the world forever. There were no rules, no pardons or mercies, no kindness at the end of a deal… just simply a matter of winning or losing.

Even though Bill Gates has stepped down from his empire and Steve Jobs is stepping up his game yet another notch, I still feel as though we could need another spark in today’s technology landscape where we’d see a little bit more competitive forces working against each other. Sure, we have Google who’s digging around in pretty much everything these days but the old Sony/Ericsson, Nokia and those more old school cell phone companies are just doing what they know how to do best, to supply the world with second grade cell phones always destined to be one step behind the innovators.
What if the roles would have been reversed? What if Bill Gates would have gotten Steve Jobs’ role and vice versa? What would the iPhone have looked like then? These are questions that we can never get the answer to… or can we?
Designer Olivier Demangel once again stuns us with his wits and his eye for interesting designs. His take on the “Bill Gate’s iPhone” is quite genius; however, I am glad, now that I know how it would look, that Steve Jobs is pulling the strings over at Apple. Honestly, I wouldn’t want it any other way as a matter of fact. Some actually suggest that if the iPhone was created this way instead, it would be much more suitable for gaming. I do not concur.
So, do you think this interesting concept would have had a chance in today’s technology enriched environment or is it just too old school and dated? Would you want your iPhone to flip open to reveal a small qwerty keyboard on which you could type your messages just like you did on your Nokia phone? If I had to answer, I would make the world know with an echoing “NO”. I want my iPhone to be my iPhone, if you know what I mean. However, Olivier is a master of bringing unknown territories to life and for letting us know that we’re on the right path after all…

The 5 Types of Guys Women Are Attracted To

I’m sure you’re aware of the fact that women are more drawn to certain types of men than others. I don’t recommend that you change your personality, or wardrobe to match these types of guys. Instead, learn what you can from each type, and see if there’s an element that works for that guy, that you could incorporate more in your own life.

#1 Social Connector

Which are you?
Women are very social and love to make connections. To a woman, having a lot of social connections gives her power in her life. Her personal effectiveness is not based on brute strength or ambition (like men), but rather on the quality and quantity of her relationships.
A guy who knows where the party is at, can get her into the club without waiting in line, or has a great social network is very attractive to a woman.

#2 Artist

Women find creative, passionate guys intriguing and exciting. You don’t have to be a master painter, but you should have at least one creative outlet that gets you excited. Talk about this hobby, and see if there’s a way she can help you in your artistic endeavor.
Wood-working, writing, detailing cars – anything you do to express yourself creatively will turn women on.

#3 Edgy Dude (rocker, thug, etc.)

We all know that women like guys with an “edge.” This doesn’t mean you should pretend to be the new member of G-Unit, or put your hair in a Mohawk. But if you are playing it too safe in your mannerisms and fashion, you’ll appear scared and weak.
If you’re not pissing anyone off, EVER, then you are probably not being true to yourself. It’s OK to cuss occasionally, make sexual jokes, and break the “rules” in a fun way. What elements of your personality are you hiding, for fear of rejection or criticism?

#4 Professional

Women want a guy who is going somewhere. You don’t have to be rich, but you should have a job and career goals. I’ve had clients that became lawyers just to impress women.
This is an example of what not to do. What are you passionate about? How do you want to help the world? Take steps to make a living at it. A woman can’t respect a man who doesn’t respect himself. If you are wasting your life on the couch, or in a job you hate, you are essentially disrespecting yourself by wasting the time you have on Earth.


Women want a guy who is normal. I know this sounds strange, but think about a guy you know who always has a hot girlfriend. He is probably a calm, friendly, solid dude. Too often I hear women (HOT WOMEN) say, “I just want a guy who is normal. He’s not a bum, he’s not crazy, he’s not a dumb thug. I just want a solid guy who cares about me.”
The bar is pretty low, because most guys are completely clueless with women, and have no sense of who they are. Be a good friend, focus on your goals in life, and don’t try to impress people. Being attractive is about being yourself!

Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage!

Which one is better – Love marriage or arranged? The issue is debatable all over the globe especially in eastern countries where arrange marriage is a tradition. As you read this question which option strikes in your mind first and why?

Education and media played a vital role in changing the perception of the Indian mind. Love marriage is supposed to provide freedom and more independence as compared to arranged marriages where the girl/boy is chosen by the parents. The usual question of love marriage voters against arranged one is that how can anyone marry the person whom they don’t know?
Amid popular love lore like Soni Mahiwal, India always had a long tradition of arranged marriages. With the advent of the British and the subsequent introduction of British education system more Indians got educated. Education and exposure to the media, started to make people to think and realize they need not be bound by tradition and they can choose their own marital partners without having to rely on parents, matchmakers, relatives or having to consult astrologers. This gave rise to love marriages. Currently in our country we have arranged as well as love marriages taking place.
If we start comparing love and arranged marriages we will see that both has certain pros and cons. If we talk about the love marriages first, it provides time for a mutual understanding between the partners which is needed for any successful relation. Knowing somebody before marriage allows partners to have better respect and understanding for each other’s needs and desires. This way they are better adjusted in the marriage when they finally take their wedding vows. In arrange marriages, there is a pressure to conform to parental expectations like producing a male heir, taking part in family rituals and traditions, putting up with sisters-in-laws, contributing to family expenses etc. Lovers have to try hard if their parents don’t agree with the relation. That is why it is said that Love is not an easy way out!
As the partners are happy with their spouse and its their own decision to marry him/her, love marriages should be successful but not all love marriages have happy endings. Sometimes discord arises even in love marriages. After spending a happy time of marriage, the same couple can be seen regretting on their decisions. They found hard to save the marriage and at last have to break up. If they them self chosen their partner and had a perfect tuning then why this unhappy end of the relation after marriage?
Perhaps to avoid this kind of ending, now-a-days youngsters prefer arranged marriages. It is thought that arranged marriages happen only in the east but this was not always so arranged marriages were happening even in Victorian Europe. The best part in an arranged marriage is that parents and the family is happy and they them self arrange the marriage. There is no tears and no battle for their permission. Arrange marriage offer more protection and security to the women. There is not much pressure on the women to look like models. Parents employ maturity and wise judgment when choosing suitable spouses for their children.
Caste system gave birth to arrange marriages, as the upper caste families didn’t want their children to marry outside their community and caste. In some case, by love marriage people lost all things like parents, society and religion. But after World War II and industrial revolution people’s perception started changing and they became familiar with the concept of love marriages. Slowly but steadily, love marriages are acceptable in Indian society also.
To decide which one is ideal is an unending debate. Love or arranged both is based on empathy, responsibility, commitment, love and concern. A marriage needs a lot of dedication and effort to sustain the relation.
So there is nothing like an ideal marriage it’s all about the way you perceive your marriage. The target is the happiness and stability of the relation in the marriage whether it is love or arranged.

Top 10 Billionaires Who Dont have Degree

If you are going to achieve excel in any field then you just need confidence, talent and urge, the degree does not matter. But off-course degree can polish your skills.
You will be surprise to know that there are billionaires having huge business don’t have degrees.

10. Michele Ferrero
Michele Ferrero
Michele Ferrero has the worldwide business of chocolates “Ferrero Rochers”, having total wealth of $17 billion.
9. Lee Shau Kee
Lee Shau Kee
He has total wealth of $18.5 billion. Well he was awarded with many honorary degrees.
8. Liliane Bettencourt
Liliane Bettencourt

She is the Founder of L’Oreal cosmetic company. Her net worth is $20 billion.
7. Li Ka-shing
A tremendously successful business man, His net worth is US$ 21 billion.
6. Ingvar Kamprad
Ingvar Kamprad
He started his business success at the age of 17. Now has net worth of $ 23 billion,
5. Karl Albrecht
Karl Albrecht
He started his business after the World War II with his brother. His net worth is $23.5 billion.
4. Christy Walton
Christy Walton
Christy is a successful business woman of Wal-Mart. Her net worth is $ 24 billion. She doesn’t have a degree/diploma of higher education.

3. Amancio Ortega

Amancio Ortega
The major success of Amancio is business model Ortega. His net worth is $25 billion.
2. Larry Ellison
Larry Ellison
He has gained the success with the famous data base company Oracle. His net worth is $ 28 billion.
1. Bill Gates
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is one of the richest persons of the world, his net worth is $54 billion. He was the student at Harvard University but could not complete his degree.

Top 21 Desktop Shortcut Keys To Ever Use

These days are very interested to use shortcut keys & some newbies asked me to list it, but now I’m back to college, so i listed out the top 21 & we will blog the whole shortcut keys list later. Now let us see the top 21 desktop shortcut keys.

  1. Windows key + E = Explorer
  2. Windows key + Break = System properties
  3. Windows key + F = Search
  4. Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
  5. Windows key + R = Run command pop-ups
  6. ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
  7. ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
  8. CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
  9. CTRL + C = Copy
  10. CTRL + X = Cut
  11. CTRL + V = Paste
  12. CTRL + Z   = Undo an action
  13. CTRL + Y  = Redo an action
  14. CTRL + A  =Select all items in a document or window
  15. F1 = Display Help
  16. F2 = Rename the selected item
  17. F3 = Search for a file or folder
  18. F4 = Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer
  19. F5 = Refresh the active window
  20. F6 = Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
  21. F10 = Activate the menu bar in the active program
These commands are very useful to day to day life, keep using and then you’ll automatically remember when you

Monday 5 September 2011

Hacker Leaks 100 Million Facebook Pages on Torrent Site

A 2.8GB torrent is floating around out there containing data from 100 million Facebook profiles. But don’t freak out: all the data was already available publicly.
Hacker Ron Bowes from Skull Security has created the torrent file (2.8GB), which contains the Facebook account details of roughly 100 million users. That’s about 1 in 5 of the half billion accounts the social networking site has! The 2.8GB torrent was compiled via a web crawler program that harvested data on users contained in Facebook’s open access directory, which lists all users who haven’t bothered to change their privacy settings to make their pages unavailable to search engines.

Bowes’ directory contains 171 million entries, relating to more than 100 million individual users – more than one in five of Facebook’s recently trumpeted half billion user base.The file contains user account names and a URL for each user’s profile page, from which details such as addresses, dates of birth or phone numbers can be accessed.
Accessing a user’s page from the list will also enable you to click through to friends’ profiles – even if those friends have made themselves non-searchable. There’s absolutely nothing illegal about what Bowes has done – the information is, after all, publicly available – but perhaps the existence of a stalker’s online black book might finally persuade less security-minded Facebook users to get their act together.
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